Thursday, September 08, 2005


We left Minneapolis later than we wanted to, so we only made it to South Bend. This is the home of Notre Dame. We have a room booked and paid for at the Holiday Inn Express in Jamaica Queens this evening, so we will drive until we get there. Another good reason for leaving soon. I suppose we've got 12 hours of driving today. The scenery will be lovely. New York
is a pretty state.

We listened to talk radio (NPR & C-SPAN) all day yesterday and really are well versed on the Katrina disaster. I tell you, what a bunch of crap. We will see a lot of finger pointing and I will tell you there is PLENTY of blame to go around. While people were sitting in DC and watching the storm unfold and hit the Gulf, people were dying largely due to bureaucratic inaction. And, we are still in hurricane season! Today's nonsense with the debit cards and people NOT being issued them as FEMA said just yesterday .... gee, dumb! These screw ups could surely sow the seeds of revolution. People will only suffer so much!

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